Anderson Dragline, Inc. Anderson Dragline, Inc.
P: 530-695-1352  |  F: 530-695-3131  | Shop: 530-868-5121
P.O. Box 968, Gridley, CA 95948
Cummings Road Landfill Phase 1 Closure

Owner: Humboldt Waste Management Authority
Year Constructed: 2012
Approx. Contract Value: $4,554,000


This project consisted of the Phase 1 final closure of 34 acres of the Cummings Road Landfill in Eureka, CA.

Work included clearing, stripping, excavation and placement of compacted embankment to regrade and compact 74,500 cubic yards of foundation soil cover over the landfill. The foundation preparation required raising or lowering existing methane gas well risers, excavating and relocating refuse, and exposing existing geosynthetic base liner. A subsurface drainage system required installation of 10,700 lineal feet of HDPE drain pipe.

Geosynthetic liner was installed over the entire prepared foundation of the Phase 1 closure area. 59,000 cubic yards of soil was placed over the geosynthetic liner as a final soil cover to support vegetation. Hauling and placing the soil cover required utilizing low ground-pressure equipment to avoid damaging the underlying geosynthetic liner.

7,400 lineal feet of surface drainage ditches were graded and lined with riprap to collect and convey surface runoff to the perimeter of the landfill. Approximately 3,400 tons of aggregate base rock was placed over geotextile for site access roads. The entire site was hydroseeded, with straw and jute netting placed on slopes as permanent erosion control.
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Anderson Dragline, Inc.
P.O. Box 968
Gridley, CA 95948